Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Work-Life Balance & Setting Goals

Last month in my Leadership Idaho Agriculture training, we had a session about time management. During our time management discussion - we talked about finding balance in life: work, social life, family and friends. The discussion was good, and then we were asked to graph those items on a what looked like a wheel spoke.  Ideally - if your life was in "balance", your graph would be able to roll. After graphing, I realized that my yearly, half-joke/half-truth of a New Year's Resolution to "get a social life" each year was a real issue.

The list of things I want to pursue in life is not shrinking - in fact, its growing. Daily, including:
  • Blogging -what a cool way to chat more about things that I love, and meet new people (and really, I can't be the only single gal in rural America - who wants to talk livestock, running schedules and lipstick) and keep in touch with my network of friends.
  • Photography - I've taken one class, done a few family portraits, and dabble-but I want to set some goals. And devote more time to it.
  • Livestock - while its a huge part of my job, but its something I truly love.
  • Ultrasound - I'm certified to carcass ultrasound beef, but want to add to that list, and add to my list of customers. Livestock and technology? Yes. Please.
  • Cookbook- Everyone collects something, and I love cookbooks. Now, I want to write one.  Obviously, its partially 'top-secret', but its on my bucket list.
  • Novel - being a community college instructor, I see things on a daily basis that one really couldn't make up. So, I'm going to write about it. And pad my pretty cattle/retirement fund.
I'm still working on my goal list. What's on your list of items to pursue in life?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This picture represents a lot about me...my love of agriculture, education, people and how dang lucky I am to be able to combine all three of those into my day to day job.